PPP - Cycle Block - Total release Fogger
PPP - Cycle Block - Total release FOGGER, berisi Nylar IGR (Insect Pertumbuhan Regulator) yang membunuh dan mem-blok siklus hidup kutu-kutu dewasa dan jentik, termasuk telur kutu.
Juga berisi ynergized pyrethrin dan permethrin untuk kontrol lengkap dan segera.
PPP - Cycle Block - Total release FOGGER, juga membunuh deer ticks yang dapat membawa dan menyebarkan penyakit Lyme. Satuan ukuran 6 oz. ideal untuk ukuran rata-rata kamar hingga 6.000 kubik kaki (20' x 30' x 10').
Im Organic EarMites Buster
Im OrGanic EarMites Buster adalah obat earmite (kutu tekinga) alami yang diformulasi khusus. Sangat ampuh untuk mengatasi dan membasmi kutu telinga (earmites) dengan gejala sebagai berikut :
- Telinga kotor terus menerus.
- Cepat kotor kembali padahal sedah dibersihkan.
- Luka garukan di belakang telinga atau di sekitar telinga.
- Pelipis botak/bulu menipis pada pelipis.
- Terjadi infeksi pada telinga.
- Ada debu putih bergerak-gerak di dalam telinga.
Cara pakai :
- Teteskan 0.1cc - 0.2cc pada masing-masing telinga, tahan kepala kucing agar tidak menggelengkan kepala untuk mengeluarkan cairan dr telinganya.
- Usahakan urut-urut bagian lubang telinga agar cairan masuk ke bagian telinga terdalam.
- Ulangi sehari 2 kali, pagi dan sore.
- Hasilnya akan terlihat paling cepat 3 hari.
- Apabila tidak ada perkembangan baik selama 3 hari, kemungkinan besar cairan tidak berhasil masuk ke bagian terdalam telinga.
Bisa juga digunakan sebagai cairan pembantu dalam membersihkan telinga kucing.
Bivermectin 1% (Obat Scabbies)
Bivermectin 1% (Obat Scabbies)
Formulation for each ml contains :
Ivermectin ......................... 10 mg
Untuk pengobatan Scabbies seperti : Gastro-Intestinal Round Worms, Lungworms, Kidney Worms, Lice and Mange Mites.
Untuk menghilangkan kutu-kutu pada Kucing dan hewan peliharaan lain (Anjing, Kelinci, Poultry, Babi, Kuda, Sapi, Kambing, Ular & Reptil, dsb)
Bio Dewormer (Obat Cacing)
Bila kucing anda kelihatan letih, lesu, kurang bergairah, badan kurus/tidak mau gemuk namun makannya banyak, bulu kusam/rontok, jamuran (budukan), mencret & kadang berdarah. Itu tandanya kucing Anda Cacingan. Anda tidak usah kuatir, cukup campurkan BIO-DEWORMER ke dalam minuman Kucing Anda, seminggu kemudian Kucing Anda sudah sehat kembali.
- Membunuh cacing pada hati, usus, lever Kucing
- Membunuh telur cacing dan memutus rantai perkembangan cacing yang ada pada tubuh kucing.
Formulation for each mL contains :
Albendazole ........................ 100 mg
ALBENDAZOLE adalah obat cacing dalam kelompok Benzimidazole yang sangat ampuh untuk mengatasi infestasi cacing pada ternak dari stadium larva hingga dewasa.
ALBENDAZOLE diindikasikan untuk pengobatan infestasi cacing gelang (nematoda, termasuk cacing paru), cacing pita (cestoda) dan cacing hati (Fasciola spp./ Distomatosis) pada kucing, juga pada sapi, kerbau, kambing, domba, babi, anjing, kelinci, ular, Reptile dll.
Bio Linco S (Obat Infeksi)
Bio_Linco s (Sterile Solution for Injection)
Formulation for each mL contains :
Spectinomycin ........................ 100 mg
Lincomycin ........................ 50 mg
Indikasi :
Untuk pengobatan infeksi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri/parasit seperti :
C.R.D, Haemorhagic Enteritis, Salmonellosis, Respiratory Infection, Sinusitis, Arthritis Pneumonia, Footrot, Mastitis.
Untuk : Kucing, Kelinci, Anjing, Poultry, Babi, Kuda, Sapi, Kambing, Ular & Reptil dll
Khusus Kelinci, untuk pengobatan :
- Haemorhagic Enteritis Salmonellosis, tanda-tandanya : Kotoran mencret dan berlendir warna bening, yang disebabkan adanya parasit pada usus kelinci.
- Respiratory Infection ( Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan), tanda-tandanya kelinci ngorok dan sesak nafas.
- Sinusitis, tanda-tandanya : Kelinci bersin2 dan hidungnya berair.
- Arthritis Pneumonia ( Radang Sendi), tanda-tanda : kelinci pincang dan susah jalan, gampang jatuh sendiri & susah untuk berdiri kembali
- Footrot, tanda-tandanya : Kaki / telapak kaki kelinci seperti luka/lecet. Sering terjadi pada kelinci jenis Flemish Giant
- Mastitis (Radang Susu), tanda-tandanya : terjadi pengerasan pembengkakan pada susu kelinci yang menyusui, disebabkan adanya virus/bakteri yang masuk ke puting susu kelinci.
Bio Tylo 200 (Obat Infeksi)
Bio Tylo 200 (Sterile Solution for Injection)
Formulation for each mL contains :
Tylosin (as Tartrate) ........................ 200 mg
Indikasi :
Untuk pengobatan infeksi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri seperti : Pneumonia, Sinusitis, C.R.D, Arthritis, Footrot, Mastitis, Metritis, Dermatitis, Otitis Extena dan Infeksi Saluran Kencing.
Untuk : Kucing, Kelinci, Anjing, Poultry, Babi, Kuda, Sapi, Kambing, Ular & Reptil dsb.
De Grow Disinfektan Kandang (Organik)
De Grow Disinfektan Kandang (Organik)
Merupakan cairan berwarna kecoklatan dan berbau sedap yang didalamnya berisi berbagai jenis mikro-organisme yang menguntungkan. BUKAN RACUN, sehingga tidak berbahaya bagi manusia dan hewan peliharaan.
- Menekan & Menghilangkan bakteri Pathogen dan Salmonella.
- Menghilangkan Bau Kandang dan Mengurangi Jumlah Lalat
- Membantu Mempercepat Pengomposan Kotoran Ternak
Excel Tear Stain Removal
(Pembersih Mata dan Bekas Air Mata)
(Pembersih Mata dan Bekas Air Mata)
Excel Tear Stain Removal (Pembersih Mata dan Bekas Air Mata) sesuai untuk kucing yang Pesek dan banyak kotoran pada matanya.
Drontal Cat (Obat Cacing)
Drontal Cat Tablets provide effective treatment of gastrointestinal Roundworms and Tapeworms in your cat. Drontal Cat Tablets may not be used during pregnancy but may be used during lactation. Do not treat kittens under the age of 6 weeks. Fleas serve as an intermediate host for one common type of tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum). To avoid reinfection with this parasite, flea control of your pet and its housing should be carried out at the same time as worming. Please refer to the data sheet for further details.
Drontal Cat Dosages
Drontal Dosage Guide: Cats and kittens over 6 weeks old
Body weight | Dosage |
Up to 2kg | ½ Drontal Cat Tablet |
>2kg up to 4kg | 1 Drontal Cat Tablet |
>4kg up to 6kg | 1 Drontal Cat XL Tablet |
>6kg up to 8kg | 2 Drontal Cat Tablets |
>8kg up to 10kg | 1 Drontal Cat Tablet and 1 Drontal Cat XL Tablet |
Drontal Cat Tablets are scored coated white to yellowish ellipsoid, biconvex tablets that can be divided into equal halves. Each tablet contains 230 mg pyrantel embonate and 20 mg praziquantel.
Drontal Cat XL Film-coated Tablets are unscored coated white to yellowish, ellipsoid, biconvex tablets, each containing 345 mg pyrantel embonate and 30 mg praziquantel.
Further information
Drontal® Cat Tablets and Drontal® Cat XL Film-coated Tablets are an anthelmintic active against roundworms and tapeworms. The product contains two active ingredients, pyrantel embonate (pamoate) and praziquantel. Praziquantel is used widely as an anthelmintic for both human and veterinary use.
Pyrantel acts as a cholinergic agonist. Its mode of action is to stimulate nicotinic cholinergic receptors of the parasite, induce spastic paralysis and thereby allow expulsion from the gastro-intestinal (GI) system by peristalsis.
Praziquantel is very rapidly absorbed and distributed throughout the parasite. Both in vivo and in vitro studies have shown that praziquantel causes severe damage to the parasite integument, resulting in contraction and paralysis. There is an almost instantaneous tetanic contraction of the parasite musculature and a rapid vacuolisation of the syncytial tegument. This rapid contraction has been explained by changes in divalent cation fluxes, especially calcium.
In this fixed combination product, the pyrantel is active against the following ascarids: Toxocara cati, and Toxascaris leonina; the praziquantel is effective against tapeworms, in particular Dipylidium caninum and Taenia taeniaeformis.
The product has been shown to be effective in the control of hookworms Ancylostoma tubaeforme and A. braziliense and the tapeworm Joyeuxiella pasqualei, none of which occur naturally in cats in the UK but may occasionally be found in imported animals.
Praziquantel is effective against Echinococcus multilocularis. E. multilocularis does not occur in the UK but is becoming more common in some European countries. As a precautionary measure to prevent establishment of E. multilocularis in the UK, it is recommended that all cats entering the country be treated with praziquantel.
Fleas serve as intermediate hosts for one common type of tapeworm - Dipylidium caninum. Tapeworm infestation is certain to re-occur unless control of intermediate hosts such as fleas, mice etc. is undertaken.
Revolution Blue - Adult
Information about Revolution Blue - Adult - for Cats
Revolution requires just one application every month to the skin on the back of the neck. Each tube of Revolution Blue contains selamectin, a broad-spectrum parasiticide with good efficacy against a wide range of internal and external parasites. Revolution is also water resistant - parasites don’t stand a chance even when your pet is exposed to rain and sunlight.
Fast, long-lasting protection against parasites - that’s what Revolution Blue is all about. It is even safe to use on pregnant and lactating felines and kittens from 6 weeks of age.
Unique Features of Revolution Blue for Cats
- Kills adult fleas and flea eggs
- Prevents heartworm infestation in cats
- Treats and controls ear mites
- Treats feline hookworm and roundworms infections
- Especially made for cats weighing 5 to 15 lbs (2.6 -7.5 kg)
- Once monthly, easy to apply, topical application
- Available in 6 month and 3 month packs
- Water-resistant formulation
- Safe to use on pregnant and lactating cats and kittens from 6 weeks of age
- Contains a broadspectrum parasiticide called selamectin
- More about Revolution flea and tick
- More about Revolution for cats and dogs with fleas
- More about treating sarcoptic mange in dogs
- More about Revolution and feline heartworm
- More about Selamectin in Revolution for dogs with heartworm
- More about ear mites in dogs and cats
Press the cap to puncture seal, then remove the cap. Part the hair on the back of the cat's neck, in front of the shoulder blades until skin is visible. Place the tip of the tube on the skin and squeeze the tube. Make sure to empty entire contents of one Revolution Blue tube onto the cat's skin. Apply only to dry animals. Do not massage into cat’s skin after application.
For external and feline use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Wash hands after use. Revolution is flammable. Keep away from heat, sparks or other sources of ignition.
Revolution Pink for Puppies and Kittens
Information about Revolution Pink for Puppies and Kittens
Revolution Pink's once-a-month application remains effective for thirty days. It is also water resistant two hours after application and remains effective even after swimming, bathing or exposure to sunlight. Revolution Pink is fast-acting, long-lasting and easy to apply to the skin at the back of the neck. It is specially designed for puppies/kittens over six weeks of age.
Unique Features of Revolution Pink for Puppies and Kittens
- Effectively kills adult fleas and flea eggs
- Prevents heartworm disease
- Especially made for puppies and kittens weighing up to 5 lbs (2.5kg)
- Treats and controls ear mites
- Treats sarcoptic mange in puppies
- Controls roundworm and hookworm in kittens
- Easy once-a-month topical application
- Formulated to be water-resistant
- Available in 3-month pack
- Active ingredient: Selamectin
- More about Revolution flea and tick
- More about Revolution for cats and dogs with fleas
- More about treating sarcoptic mange in dogs
- More about Revolution and feline heartworm
- More about Selamectin in Revolution for dogs with heartworm
- More about ear mites in dogs and cats
Press the cap to puncture seal, then remove the cap. Part the hair on the back of the pet, in front of the shoulder blades until skin is visible. Place the tip of the tube on the skin and squeeze the tube. Make sure to empty entire contents of one Revolution Pink tube onto pet’s skin.
Apply only to dry animals. Do not massage into pet’s skin after application.
Warning :
For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Wash hands after use. Revolution Pink - Puppy/Kitten Up to 5 lbs (Up to 2.5kg) - 6 month supply is flammable. Keep away from heat, sparks or other sources of ignition.
Sergeants Vetscription Hairball Remedy
Product Features
* Cat hairball remedy
* All natural
* Petroleum free
* Eliminates hairballs
* Safe around children
Sergeant's nature's guardian 3-ounce hairball remedy.
Worm Cat Piperasine (Obat Cacing untuk Kucing)
Worm Cat Piperasine adalah Obat cacing khusus untuk kucing.
Membasmi semua CACING PERUT dan CACING KREMI pada kucing.
from : kucing.biz
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